
Stories from around the world of Mastercard

Discover how our people and technology are connecting everyone to Priceless possibilities.

Eventful Economy: Getting festive in India

Welcome to festival season in India, which kicks off this year in mid-September with pre-festival sales and culminates with Diwali on November 1. Add in buoyant consumer sentiment, social obligations around gifting, religious and auspicious purchases, family reunions and feasting, and you have a recipe for an economically indulgent season.

Sustainable development? Unsustainable without women

New Delhi's B20 hosts an inclusive growth forum emphasizing women's involvement in digitization, healthcare expansion, and climate change mitigation, providing valuable insights.

Conflicts between humans and elephants are rising. This tree-growing effort could restore the balance

In India, hundreds of people and dozens of elephants are killed each year as elephants lose their natural migratory corridors and must roam farther afield for food.

Get capital, go digital and gain ‘gyan’: The formula for empowering India’s women entrepreneurs

Investing in women’s economic success helps shift power dynamics and social norms to foster gender equity.

How one clean energy scientist is waging ‘a fight worth fighting’

Chennai's Teja Venkatesa Perumal is part of the inaugural Quad Fellowship, which brings together young STEM leaders from India, Australia, Japan and the U.S. to spur innovation.

Diversity, equality and inclusion powers growth and improves productivity

It is no secret that this planet has witnessed some of its best innovations because people from different backgrounds have come together to bring in the change.

2021: A year of standing together

As we enter the holiday season, let’s take a moment to celebrate how we show up for one another and for our community. It is easy to be there during good times, but 2021 was hard.

Nurturing a future of unconditional acceptance because it’s Priceless

Our PRIDE Business Resource Group pursues to drive awareness and promote acceptance in our people around LGBTQIA+ individuals and community.