Open-loop mobility systems: Driving the future of urban transportation in the Nordics and Baltic

4. marts 2025 | Copenhagen, Denmark

Mastercard has launched a white paper on Open Loop Mobility that showcases examples from public transport, electric vehicle charging and micromobility, highlighting the key results and lessons learned in the transition to open-loop systems.

Read and download the white paper here.

The white paper touch upon:

  • Open loop in public transport organizations
  • Open Loop for Micromobility
  • Electric vehicle charging
  • Global and local case studies
  • Considerations when implementing open-loop systems

Urban mobility is at a pivotal moment of transformation. The amount of people living in urban areas is projected to increase to around two-thirds of the global population by 2050. As urbanization accelerates, cities face increasing complexities in moving people efficiently. Public, shared, and sustainable transportation modes are essential to address these challenges.

However, customer journeys across these modes are not yet seamless. Travelers often face complexities such as needing upfront tickets or closed-loop cards for public transport, downloading apps for shared bikes or scooters, and managing multiple charging cards or RFID tags for electric vehicles. These barriers reduce the appeal of shared and sustainable transportation options and discourage occasional or spontaneous use.

Open-loop systems address these barriers by allowing travelers to use their everyday payment methods (such as debit and credit cards) across various transport modes. Rather than improving just a single step in the journey, open-loop payment solutions streamline the entire transportation system, offering a cohesive urban mobility experience that fosters interconnected, accessible ecosystems.

Medie kontakt

Hanne Breindahl, Director of Communications

Om Mastercard

Mastercard er et globalt teknologiselskab i betalingsbranchen. Vores mission er at forbinde og drive en inklusiv, digital økonomi, der gavner alle, overalt. Det sker ved at gøre transaktioner sikre, enkle, smarte og tilgængelige. Ved hjælp af sikre data og netværk, partnerskaber og passion hjælper vores innovative løsninger individer, finansielle institutioner, regeringer og virksomheder med at realisere deres fulde potentiale. Vores anstændighedskvotient eller DQ driver vores kultur og alt, hvad vi gør inden for og uden for vores virksomhed. Med forbindelser på tværs af mere end 210 lande og territorier bygger vi en bæredygtig verden, der åbner uvurderlige muligheder for alle.