Mastercard at Smart Cities New York: Urban collaboration for more inclusive cities

May 8, 2019 | By Macy Salama

Today, more than half of the global population live in cities, and by 2050 that number is estimated to rise to close to 70 percent. With this exponential growth, city leaders across the United States and around the world are actively planning for their city’s future, creating opportunities and advancing inclusive local economies.

At this year’s Smart Cities New York conference, Mastercard will showcase how we are creating more connected and inclusive urban experiences with our city and technology partners.

This spirit of partnership is the inspiration behind City Possible, an initiative pioneered by Mastercard that brings together cities, companies and communities from all over the globe to identify common challenges and solutions.

At the City Possible Urban Park, we will host a series of Tech Talks with public sector and industry partners - featuring collaborative efforts designed to accelerate inclusive growth.

An immersive contactless transit showcase will also demonstrate how Mastercard is scaling urban solutions to help more than 150 cities around the world offer residents and visitors a seamless experience when travelling to and across a city.


Mastercard at Smart Cities New York - Schedule 

Panel discussions (Pier 36, 299 South St, New York, NY 10002)

    • Tuesday, May 14, 1:30pm: Miguel Gamino, executive vice president for Global Cities will participate in a panel on “Future of Mobility: Inclusive Urbanization” | Main Stage
    • Wednesday, May 15, 10:30am: Miguel Gamino, executive vice president for Global Cities will join a panel on “Closing the Loop: Advancing a Circular Economy: Sustainable, circular, and clean energy economies” | Stage Two
    • Wednesday, May 15, 3:10pm: Alexander Niejelow will be speaking on a panel on “Transformative Technologies: Innovating to Bring Cyber Security to All” | Main Stage

Tech Talk Schedule – City Possible Urban Park:

Tuesday May 14th

10:45 – 11:10am    Future of Mobility: Matt Blanks, Mastercard (M), Karina Ricks, Pittsburgh, Steve Taylor, Lyft, Pacome Lesage, Kisio, Alexander Baldy, Sao Paolo Transport Secretary

12:00 – 12:30pm    Digital Human Rights: Steve Tae, Mastercard (M), Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, PVBLIC Foundation, Josh Breitbart, NYC, Ger Baron, Amsterdam

12:45 – 1:10pm      Different Cites: One Superpower of Collaboration: Maddie Callis, Mastercard (M), Miguel Gamino, Mastercard, Mark Petit, Akron OH, Sanna-Mari Jantti, Helsinki, David Ricketts, Senior Innovation Scholar, Technology & Entrepreneurship Centre at Harvard (TECH)

2:15 – 2:40pm        Technology for Urban Resilience: Sandy Fernandez, Mastercard (M), Patricia Purcell, UN GC, Paula Pagniez, WTW

Wednesday May 15th

10:45 – 11:10am     Unlocking Potential: Infrastructure, Innovation and Inclusion: Arturo Franco, Mastercard (M), Marcela Escobari, Brookings, Mayor Benjamin of Columbia SC, Matt Watcher, Erie EDC PA

12:00 – 12:35pm     Data Insights for Economic Development: Mark Klupt, Mastercard (M), Nicola Graham, Smart Dublin, Eyal Fender, Zen City, Sapan Shah, Mastercard

12:45 – 1:30pm       Women in Smart Cities: Maddie Callis, Mastercard (M), Alice Charles, WEF, Liora Shechter, Tel Aviv

If you are attending Smart Cities New York, visit the City Possible Urban Park located near the Main Stage. To schedule interviews or booth tours, please contact

Follow us for updates on Twitter @MastercardNews & @CityPossible.

Macy Salama, Director, Global Communications